Shift Your Perspective
It’s easy to let our minds wander & get away from us. We’ve gone from shelter-in-place & lockdowns straight to curfews & protests. We were just beginning to feel a sense of freedom again, but now we have to be in before dark. The boundaries placed on us can wreak havoc on our minds, leaving us feeling depressed & isolated. Switching our outlook from negative to positive may not be an easy task these days, but with a little tweaking & a fresh perspective, we can get back to the right frame of mind.
The way we view life’s experiences is everything. Our reactions to situations happening around us are based on how we interpret them. It all goes back to the simple theory that the glass is half full. If we can find the light at the end of the tunnel & focus on it, keeping our glass “half full” will help us get through the more difficult times we experience. Our ability to keep our perspective in check will determine how we move forward from one day to the next. If you can take the time to find & focus on the positive, you’ll manage to find the joy in life no matter what the day throws at you.
Focus on the good, not the bad. Constantly reminding ourselves of all the positive things in our lives as opposed to the negative will always help keep our perspectives in check. When you lay down for bed, think of the things that bring happiness to you, even if small, so you fall asleep thinking of those things you’re grateful to have in your life. Set goals for the future. Think of places you might like to travel & what you’d like to see while there. Do some research & plot your itinerary. Start thinking about what you’ll need to do to get there. Even if you’re looking far into the future, having a plan & focusing on the goal can help change your focus from positive to negative. Giving yourself a goal to work toward can fill your mind with happier thoughts. Finding ways to change your perspective from positive to negative can be life changing.
Life is full of ups & downs. We can’t control what happens to us, but we can certainly choose how we’re going to react to each situation we encounter. We can choose to accept the ride life gives us, identify the positives & negatives, evaluate our choice, behaviors & response, or we can sit back & allow ourselves to be upset & miserable. It’s up to each one of us to decide how we want to live. We can choose to follow the light or we can choose to live in the dark. Our perspective is everything. If you find yourself feeling more negative these days, try shifting your perspective. Don’t be afraid to reach out for a lifeline. You can share your story with us or seek certified help. Either way, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. We just have to get through the tunnel.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed or would like to bounce off ideas for your blueprint, drop us a line or leave a comment. Together, we can help each other be great! When there’s a will, there’s always a way.